
This Mom Still Can’t Believe She Gave Birth On The Bathroom Floor

Sandra, 32, from Melbourne, Australia, called her husband Jack when she felt her first contraction. However, she did not have time to get to the hospital, she gave birth to a child herself in just two minutes, lying on the floor in the bathroom.

A week earlier, the woman had gone to the doctor, complaining of drops of blood, but the examination showed that the cervix was closed, with no signs of early labor. According to the gynecologist, there were still a few weeks left before the birth of the child. However, Sandra was not so sure, because her older children, 3-year-old Joey and 1-year-old Mia, were born prematurely and very quickly.

Saying goodbye, she joked: “I don’t want to be one of those women who give birth on the way to the hospital.”


A few days later, returning from work, Sandra felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Alarmed, she stopped to call her husband and asked him to pick up the children while she went home to rest. At home, the pain intensified, and the woman suggested that these were false contractions. She went to the bathroom and noticed that her grasp was getting stronger and faster.

Sandra began timing the contractions and called her husband again: “I think I’m going into labor, and I need help.” Jack stepped on the gas, and Sandra called an ambulance, where she was assured that the doctors would arrive soon and that the car was on its way.

“I focused on my breathing, telling myself that I would be taken to the hospital soon. But at the next fight, I suddenly felt the head of a child at the very bottom. There was a dispatcher on the line with me, she said that the baby would be born soon and I needed to hold my head. Literally two minutes later, in another contraction, the head first appeared, followed by the whole body. I breathed a sigh of relief, my beautiful boy was born,” recalls Sandra.

She picked up the newborn and pressed it to her chest, and in a moment his first cry was heard. The dispatcher advised Sandra to wrap the baby in a towel, but sitting on the bathroom floor, she could only reach the rug. Soon the doorbell rang.

It was the doctors who arrived, but they couldn’t get in because the door was closed. “We had to wait until Jack got home to let the paramedics in. The baby was breathing and was pink, so I was calm, my boy was safe,” says Sandra.

Jack returned home and was shocked to see his wife sitting on the bathroom floor with her newborn baby in her arms. “He opened his mouth in surprise, and I told him, ‘Meet our son,’” says Sandra.

After a quick examination, doctors sent the woman and child to the hospital. Since the baby was born at 34 weeks of gestation with a weight of just over two kilograms, he was transferred to the ward for premature babies, where he spent a month.

The baby is now 12 weeks old and completely healthy. “I still can’t believe I gave birth to my own baby right on the bathroom floor,” Sandra says, looking at her son.

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